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Re: RC: Electrolytes, stress

> Sure would be nice to know what plant.   Any more info, Angie?

Goodness I hate to start the discussion again, but though she never found
out, all the talk about the alsike (was that the word?) clover poisoning
sure sounded like what happened.At first they literally thought someone
had thrown acid on the horse, or burned her. She was an Appaloosa and all
her pink skin, including her udders was horribly burned. Her mouth was
full of sores and she could only eat really soft stuff. The skin on the
white blanket on her rump was burned so deeply that it cracked in big
squares like the ground on the desert, then the full thickness slowly
peeled off as new skin/hair came in under it.  There was some titer that
they ran and she was about a zillion times higher than normal. The liver
was damaged, they said she had to stay on really low protein diet the
rest of her life.  I knew the horse for several more years. She was much
thinner on the new diet but seemed to get by O.K. Don't know that they
did the best job with her. She went from lush pasture to a dry lot with
crappy round bales of hay so with better care she might could have
returned to normal.  It's been years, I could have the details confused. 

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