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For those of you who downloaded the yucca post of Kristines, it might be
interesting for you to see what the KAK looks like. If you have already
opened it, your already infected if you have Microsoft Internet
Explorer. If you have Netscape, you cannot get it anyway, I'm told. If
you go up to View and click on Source, you will see the message of
Kristine's written in HTML. You will notice the kak.htm phrase and kak a
few times--- mentions something about signature, because that is where
it first travels to--- sneaky little bugger but now you know what to
look for. This worm occurs almost weekly on ridecamp--- my advice: quit
using Internet Explorer until you shore up the loophole and get Netscape
Navigator--- it's free. My son likes Linix (sp) but I like the bells and
whistles of the Windows programs.
Bette Lamore
Whispering Oaks Arabians, Home of 16.2hh TLA Halynov
(yes, REALLY!)

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