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Re: colicky at rides

Dear Berit;
Sounds like a horse that has a very competitive personality.  Several things come to my mind. First, do NOT take him off alfalfa the week prior to the is rich in calcium, a very important electrolyte, and it could be contributing to his cramping.  My horses all stay on 1/2 flake alfalfa/feeding with their oat hay and grazing(I give one flake in each 2 horse feeder and 2 flakes oat or forage with it).  You might setting up the horse to go deficient in calcium by removing it the week before the ride.
Second, check to make sure your saddle is as comfortable as possible for the horse....pain mimics anxiety.  Third, check with a dressage instructor or centered riding instructor to make sure your riding is not adding to his anxiety.  This is something I had to learn.
Good luck,

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