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Re: RC:25mileride
3 1/2 - 4 sounds about right. We wait until that weekend to decide since it
depends on the trail and weather. Most of the novice rides tend to be paced
around 5-6 mph.
> Let's look at the reasons LD exists:
> and here's a reason that's being ignored:
> encourage new riders in a controlled environment
> In a couple of weeks I hope to do a 20 mile novice CTR on my horse. Her
> first ride. I expect that the ride time will be somewhere around 3 1/2
> to 4 hours. (Mickie? Help me out here.) Not exactly the same as the top
> times at an LD, but no 6 hour stroll either. (BTW, a rider CAN take as
> long as needed to complete the distance for a completion only.)
> I'm also grateful that LD RM's in this area hand out a few awards too —
> apparently a few more awards than are available elsewhere.
Yeah, and at our CTR we try to give all of our novices something, if we've
gotten enough donated (I'm very good at begging).
> Deanna (Ohio)
> Yes, Mickie, if the weather holds, I'm taking Salina!
Cool! It's a good starter ride. See you soon.
Mickie (Ohio)
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