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Re: RC: used trailer and LQ questions
At 02:10 PM 07/05/2000 -0600, Marlene Moss wrote:
>3. Has anyone taken a trailer with a good sized tack space (4' or 6' short
>wall) and converted it to LQ on their own? Was it worth doing - money and
>time wise? Where did you buy stuff for doing that?
Here are the photos:
We've had the trailer for 3 years now, and have done little bits at a
time. It's still not completely finished, because we have to build in the
box for the porta-potty which will also be the step-up into the
gooseneck. Nearly everything came from Home Depot....some stores don't
carry those cabinets ready made (the Reno one does, Carson City one
doesn't)......and the refrigerator/freezer and window we just put in came
from a wrecked RV.
I think our long wall is 8 1/2 feet or something like that. The trailer
has a 16' belly length. It's a 2 horse gooseneck. We had linoleum and
that didn't hold up real well, so just put in the pergo stuff that Costco
has (it cost $1.50 a foot). It came out real nice and suits my needs
perfectly -- though I don't know if I'd want to do it again even though it
saved us a lot of $$.
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