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Re: RC: New subject => Research in the redwoods

At 12:48 PM 07/05/2000 -0600, Susan Garlinghouse wrote:
>I'm happy to say that a new research foundation with some excellent funding
>has been set up to conduct more research into identifying specific causes of
>metabolic problems in performance horses.  You folks wanted research that
>specifically helps the endurance horse---here you go, you got it.  Now I
>need for you to help make it work.  The more successful this current project
>is, the better the chances at future funding for more projects to find out
>what makes our horses tick.

Hi Susan:  On behalf of all us riders - THANK YOU!!!!  You are a real asset 
to the sport, and we really appreciate all your efforts on our 
behalf.  :=)))))))  btw, we've really been enjoying your articles in 
Endurance News of late.  Good job.

Barbara McCrary is very
>graciously allowing us to come to Swanton Pacific this year on August 12 to
>collect data, so that's just what we're going to do.

Thank you Barbara!!

>In order to get good statistical numbers, and therefore useful results, we
>need to get close to 100% participation from the entries, so this post is a
>plea to consider participating in the project.

I'll be there!!  Most of us realize how fortunate we are to be able to 
participate.....this kind of thing doesn't come along every day, ya 
know.  :+)

>What's involved?  We'll have veterinarians (not the ride vets, they have
>enough to do, but both experienced AERC vets, including Barney Fleming the
>Vampire Vet) stationed at the pre-ride check, at two places along the trail,
>and at the finish line to pull a small blood sample and weigh the horse.

I can vouch for Barney -- he's pulled blood from both of my horses, and 
I've never had a problem.  Neither horse has ever tried to run off and 
hide...not even Rocky, who got poked twice a day every day for a whole week 
at the XP. (12 times total)  Didn't come home with so much as a pimple on 
his neck either.  So far we've participated in the Pride Project 
at..hmm.....let's see...Silver State (3 day ride), Death Valley (4 day 
ride)...Gambler's Special (2 days), Mt. Charleston (2 days), and the XP (5 

If you are (any riders) worried about being inconvenienced, it really isn't 
a bother at all.  The horse learns quickly to get on the scale and it only 
takes a minute, and that's all it takes to get the blood drawn.  The vials 
are fairly small too.  It you are riding fast, it won't interfere or delay 

>What do you get for participating?  First, you get back copies of the
>labwork---retail, it's worth about $1200 per horse.

You're giving us that AND goodies?

Yes, we're trying to bribe you, in case
>participating in a Good Cause isn't enough for you.

Okay, I can be bribed!! <G>

>Susan Garlinghouse, MS (and DVM in '03)
>Colorado State University
>Barney Fleming, DVM


& Rocky.....probably the most-poked endurance horse ever!! (and not for 
putting stuff in, but for taking it out!!) <G>

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