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Re: LD and BC

In a message dated 7/5/00 11:38:51 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< Also, if riders (not the horses) were required to ride X number of LDs
 (miles) before they could do 50s, there might be more of a chance that they
 would develop a better concept of pacing and it would give them a chance to
 learn more about the sport before they leap into the longer distances >>
 Yes - thoughts? I have thought of this as an option, but in addition, the 
bottom line is common sense and common courtesy, and as Boyd says, "the horse 
ALWAYS comes first". Probably in this sport more than any other horse sport, 
this is true; unfortunately, the ones who are the ugly exception are truly 
visible, racing tired horses, throwing saddles back on sore backs with 
lesions at times; trying to hide small limps that ultimately lame the horse 
(but they COMPLETED!! HIP HIP HOORAY!) Common sense to protect the horse - 
common courtesy to protect the others who share the trails. 
Sheesh, those dudes who thought galloping through the ROck Farm at Malibu was 
such a hot idea, didnt one od those horses get pulled for lameness? They 
galloped past us like we were tieed to a post. Junior riders as well - what a 
great lesson to teach them! It is said that moraily cannot be legislated - 
well, neither can common sense or courtesy. Some people will continue to 
treat horses like Harleys and other people like chattel. We would never 
object to any rules which would ty to minimize these things as much as 

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