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Re: RC: Re: Angie's picture

If you haven't been getting the magazine, you may not know that the 
executive director resigned. This has placed an additional workload on the 
office staff. In this month's  issue, President Eiland contends that we do 
not need an executive director, the office staff is handling the extra 
workload just fine. So, I suggest you contact Randy Eiland, at 915-833-8940, 
or email I'm sure he will be happy to take up the slack 
& get you your magazine pronto.
Nancy Mitts

>Subject: RC:   Re: Angie's picture
>Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 13:40:15 EDT
>In a message dated 7/2/00 12:05:06 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
><< To:
>  I don't get Endurance News----and I would DEARLY LOVE to see Angie's
>  picture---would anybody out there be willing to scan it and forward it to 
>  on jpeg???  Claudia
>   >>
>I too would like to get the Endurance News.  I've been a member since March
>and still no magazine...
>Guess all my e-mails go to their recycle bin.  I'll try a $phone call next 
>guess.  Or a fax with the canceled check and membership card.  Wonder what
>would work?
>Got a return e-mail right away when I asked them what they wanted me to do
>with the beautiful medallion for Jedi they accidentally sent me.  :-)  On
>retrospect, should have kept it for ransom.  Magizine please.
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