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Re: RC: Luwex pads
> Is anyone using the Luwex pads. I was browsing on a particular site
describing them and wondered if anybody was using them.
I've used them for 2 shoeings now. On the Plus side: He did the
Biltmore 50 the (pretty rocky) the day *after* getting shod and went over
rocks better than usually does weeks after shoeing. They do seem to give
quite a bit of protection without bothering with problems relating to
full pads. They aren't expensive, and are reusable. Also, the farrier
added some little custom lifts in the rear that just snapped on.
On the minus side:
You HAVE to put clips on all shoes (front and back) that wear them, so
that costs more. My horse has really round feet and seems to be slightly
between sizes. The little tabs on the side are what hold them in place
and after his feet had grown out (towards the very end of the shoeing)
one of them kept getting loose and it would be laying across his sole on
that side, leaving a gap between the shoe and hoof. I'd get it back in
place but it would jump out again. Also, on one side it lays over the
corner of his frog. Doesn't seem to bother him, just me.
Finally, he threw a shoe after 7 weeks. That doesn't seem like a big
deal since lots of people change sooner than that (I do if they're worn
out, but he grows very slowly). The thing is, he'd NEVER thrown a shoe
before, so I had to think they contributed. Overall, I am impressed. I
don't like pads, have never had any luck with them. These seem to give
quite a bit of protection over rocks and are less expensive to use. As
of now, I do plan to use them in competition next fall.
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