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bute ont he trail

<<There is nothing in the AERC rules that says I am not allowed
to treat my horse with Bute (or anything else) if I deem it wise
or necessary.  The rules just say that I am not allowed to
continue in competition after having done so.>>
I cannot think of an instance where carrying bute on the trail and administering it to a horse would be all that particularly useful.  Oral bute (which I am only assuming this is) takes quite awhile to get to the bloodstream, and then only has analgesic properties - it is not a cure all.  I can not imagine that a horse would need bute out on the trail- if there were a problem, it would seem more appropriate to get to the check and let the vets deal with it.  In the case of colic, I wouldn't recommend bute anyway.
Laura Hayes AERC 2741 - seen it, done it, got alot of tee shirts.

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