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Re: RC: Re: Horse abusers need to be stopped

My assumption did what they usually do.......made an ass out of me.  Looks
like I erred in the horse history info in my last post.  Apologies to all.

My original post was a failure in that I stupidly presented the wrong horse
history, but the intent was to try to insert some facts into the
My purpose in trying to determine who the rider being referred to was to
look up an actual horse/rider history (which our AERC on-line records
allow) and see for myself if this horse/rider was really putting on that
many miles and at what speed.  To try to get real facts.  Should have known
better than to guess.  

However, that doesn't negate some of my comments to the original poster,
patrick mcdonald,  regarding this incident.  To those of you in the West
Region, was his original post an accurate assessment of the situation and
rider abuse history?  Was this horse's death really that predictable based
on previous abuses?  Were ride managers and veterinarians truly powerless
or was that post just one person's perspective of another riders approach
to the sport?  Aside from the fact that the horses death may have been
truly accidental in this case, mr. mcdonald felt strongly enough that it
was rider abuse to announce it to the endurance world.  

While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I am tired of this forum being
misused to slander folks, typically giving some info but not all.  That
original poster had to know what an uproar his post would cause.  Seems
irresponsible and IF he's right in that the horse's death was due to rider
abuse, given that he also stated it was predictable, a bit late, I'd say. 

While I know this will run it's course as other controversial topics have,
I also get a bit up in arms when there is a call to make rule changes, etc.
 I believe that for many members, especially newbies and those who don't
get out to many rides, ridecamp is their main information source.  This
makes it imperative that more knowledgeable members step up to the plate
and promote clear thinking and accurate information.  Not so different from
helping someone new at an actual ride.  
Again, it's just my perspective.  
Sally H.

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