Re: RC: More on the Oakland Hill Ride
If the trail was that tricky why was the finish line so close to it? One of the finish lines in Mississippi was moved because of an accident that occurred while racing for the finish. Surely the finish was that close to a tricky piece of trail.
On Sun, 02 July 2000, Lif Strand wrote:
> <html>
> At 09:03 PM 7/1/00 -0700, Michael Maul wrote:<br>
> <blockquote type=cite cite>I believe David just got into a competitive
> situation that can make people<br>
> forget what we all need to remember - the safety of your horse comes
> first,<br>
> </blockquote><br>
> So are you saying that David's horse wouldn't have fallen down the ravine
> if they hadn't been racing for the finish?� Is the trail that tricky
> at that spot that going at a fast speed would make it more likely to lose
> footing?� Or what?� This gets curiouser & curiouser.�
> Lif<br>
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