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Re: RC: RE:

  Re: Yosemite: The Trail Advocate from AERC for the State of California is
Connie Berto.  Connie can be reached via e-mail at  I'm sure
Connie will pick up this post and bring everyone up to date.  There are 3 huge
problems. First and foremost is the endurance community in California as by
large decided to sit on the bench over the issues. Second there is a new
Superintendent, and third, of the 5 alternatives the Park has set forth for
their new management plan, there is no overnight camping planned for the
Floor.  Alternative 3 would eliminate the stable that had 25,000 riders there
last year!  Jerry Fruth Chair, AERC Trails Committee.
> Here's a question for somebody on the list  -
> Steph
>> -----Original Message----- 
>> From: mulemaid [] 
>> Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 12:46 PM 
>> To: 
>> Subject: 
>> Can you tell me anything about the Yosmite National Park. We have an e-mail
>> about some problems and a comment period conserning horse camping in the
>> valley.  We need to know more of the details and would like to comment but
>> don't know what we are talking about. 
>> Thanks, 
>> Ears to Ya! 
>> Vicky (the Mule Maid) Hennager

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