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Matthew Mackay-Smith...I am still laughing

Darolyn wrote: <<I love Matthew's cliche's.... they're priceless.....
someone should make up a small handbook of them.>>

Actually, we did...about 15 years ago...for his birthday. We called it
"Matthew's Maxims," a little red book all done up in calligraphy. It's
still sitting on his bookshelf at EQUUS. Here's a small sampling:

"There's no telling how much you can accomplish if you don't care who
gets the credit."

"Feed corn."

"Go the way you've never been."

When someone would ask Matthew, "How are you?" they were likely to get
one of three responses: "Better and better", "Only terrific," and (on
the rare 'bad' day), "Mixed in heavy trading..."

And my all-time favorite....

"Make haste slowly."

Another legendary medical editor and veterinarian, reproduction
specialist Dr. Tom Bowman of Chestertown, Maryland, was also quite a
wit. One of his favorite sayings was: "You can't make a fat dog hunt."

--Bobbie ("There are no typos unless you read it.")

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