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Posted today on a mostly Dressage Riders' BB . . .
I copied this to Ridecamp, not to start a debate, but because I thought some
of you might be better able to eloquently answer it than I did. If this
perception is out there about our sport, who better than some of us to defend
it to someone who holds this view? If you'd like to respond to this person's
bulletin board post, drop me a line at this address, and I'd be glad to mail
you the URL. (You can either post on the BB, or email the author of this
directly.) Here goes:
I really loathe this sport. If I am ignorant of its' value, then maybe
someone can make me see the light.
I just finished reading my latest issue of the Chronicle. In it, was an
article about a May 100 mile ride in in Atlanta or Alabama (I forget).
Anyway, the temperature was 100 degrees. Twelve people did this race. Some
other entries dropped out due to the heat. I don't know how many actually
I just don't understand it. The last couple days in N.J. were hot and humid
(80+% humidity and 80+ temps). I didn't ride. This wasn't because "I"
couldn't take it, but rather because I knew my horse would suffer. Both my
horses are stressed just standing in their stalls with fans.
I won't buy the rationale that the endurance horses are fit and can stand the
heat. I think those 100 mile races are abusive.
All the horse sports at the highest level have the potential of presenting
some form of abuse because they push the horse to it's limits. But most only
make the horse 'suffer' briefly. This 100 mile race puts a horse through
stress for a long time.
I am not so closed minded that I won't try to understand this sport. But it
will take some strong convincing to make me see its' value. Anyone even care
to try?
Again, no sense debating this here! We all obviously see the benefit of
endurance riding! <chuckle> Just drop me a line if you'd like the URL to
respond to this post.
--Patti (who sometimes has a hard time remembering why she's doing so many
20m circles!)
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