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Re: RC: Re: Re: Amblin/Racking/what ever
In a message dated 6/22/00 12:56:16 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
truman.prevatt@netsrq.com writes:
<< So given not breeding back pure Arabians into
morgans, then it would not take long before the Arabian influence would be
washed out. >>
What is your logic here? Certainly you will lose individual genes as time
goes by, but if you are dealing with horses where the Arab portion is a
significantly high percentage and they are regularly bred back to each other,
you will randomly lose Arab genes AND genes of the other (in this case
Tarpan) foundation stock. The modern breeds of the world DO NOT resemble
Tarpans very closely--in fact, for the most part, they share more traits with
the Arabs. That would be suggestive of the fact that more Tarpan ancestry
has "washed out" over time than the Arab portion. Color is an
example--Tarpans tended to be (as near as researchers can tell) duns,
buckskins, etc.--and only a few modern breeds even HAVE individuals of these
colors. The very absence or rarity of the Tarpan influence in color alone is
genetic evidence that the Arabian influence still remains.
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