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help needed with fly spray and halter fit
These are rather mundane questions--but since so many of you own
Arabs, I thought you might have the same problem.
I can't seem to find a halter that properly fits my horse! His face
is a bit too small for a regular horse halter and a bit too large for an
Arabian size. I have tried weatherbeeta brand halters (regular and padded),
the local southern states arabian size, and the Hamilton brand. The padded
weatherbeeta fit him well, but it is so very heavy. The others rub his face
raw, so I have put "woolies" (those tubular wool fleece covers) on the
halter. The woolies are a great help, but he manages to remove the woolies
on a regular basis. Has anyone had a custom leather turn out halter made
for thier horse?
My barn requires that the horses wear their halters at all times
(ugg, I hate it--yes, wish I had my own place!) so it is so important for
him to have a comfy halter. Anyone have any favorite brands for their
large-jawed Arabians?
Also, any recommendations for good fly spray that actually keeps the
flys off and doesn't burn the skin? I usually spritz Zidan with fly spray
once every few days, and then again when we go out on trail. I have been
using Repel-X mixed at a 5-1 ratio as anything weaker was not keeping the
mosquitos and deer flys off of him. When I went to the barn this
morning--the poor guy had what looks like a chemical burn on his face (I
must have inadvertanly touched his face with the fly wipe rag--as I don't
like to put spray on his face). Poor soul--I felt horrible. The deer flys
are particularly attracted to Zi's sheath area which drives him crazy--any
suggestions for a roll on type repellent that is gentle enough to use down
Kelly and Zidan--ow, ow, my face hurts :-(
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