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Wheat Germ?
Okay.....I have a question.
I keep my horse in a (cross-fenced) pasture with my old horse, Drifter
(someone else owns him now...but he still lives there). His new owner, Lisa,
is out of town and she asked me to feed him. So.....Saturday, when I went to
feed him, I found an ESSAY (well, not exactly, but pretty much) on what to
feed the guy.
She doesn't ride him much, but he's kind of a hard keeper so she is always
trying to shovel more food into the guy. Personally, I think she's got her
system all wrong. She feeds him grain and hay.....To me, it seems like she
should give him more hay. Right now she gives him two flakes of
grass/alfalfa, once a day (and grain...but I'll get to that later). Two
flakes isn't all that much, so I don't see why she doesn't give him an extra
flake or so...
Instead, she gives him the two flakes of hay, and a mixture of cob with
molasses, a scoop of some kind of vitamin/mineral mix, wheat germ oil, and
wheat germ....uhh...what's it called.......wheat germ meal? I'm not
sure...but it is wheat germ something and it looks like a combination of saw
dust and rice bran.
Anyways.....can someone tell me what wheat germ meal/oil is?
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