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Re: RC: RC: Re: Breeds

I let my walker choose the gait and I choose the speed. It is usually a
trot on flat or uphill, a rack or single foot downhill. When she gets
good and warmed up it is usually a easy smooth - very very smooth - trail
lope.  With a flat footed walk of 6 mph, she doesn't do a running walk
much on an endurance ride, but on trail rides where you just lay back,
that's basically what she does.

My Arab, I swear will rack. He will go from a trot to an extended trot
and then speed up and smooth out. I've not videoed the footfall, but it
sure feels like it is no longer a square diagonal gait. The of course
being an AyyyyyRabbbbb, he'll spook at something in his brain and we'll
have to start over :-).


Jana Crewett wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there anyone else who rides endurance on a horse that both trots
> and gaits - if there is, do you have any specific strategies what gait
> to choose when (other than the obvious trotting uphill and in deep
> going)? I tend to let my horse choos what gait she prefers (but I
> insist on "true" gaits - no mixing and a clear beat at all times), but
> maybe other people have more of a "plan" what gait to ride for which
> purpose?
> Jana

Truman Prevatt
Brooksville, FL

Mystic "The Horse from Hell" Storm
Buck's Mystic Karma
Rocket a.k.a. Mr. Misty
Jordy a.k.a. Bridger (when he is good)
Danson Flame - Hot Dog I'm healed and ready to go.

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