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Lytes..horse and human
Hi Campers,
I know I'm a little behind the eight ball on this one, but with all this
talk of electrolytes...... Does anyone have an opinion on the Ride Rite
lytes by ABC? I am a believer in their Plus vitamin supplement and
recently purchased a 5 pound container of the lytes. I haven't used
them yet as my endurance mare tied up severely on a training ride, just
before OD (Waaaaaah).
Also, I tried the Ultra Fuel by Twinlab (as recommended by a Ridecamper
probably a year or more ago) at the NO Frills this year. It goes down
well, is very tasty and didn't upset my stomach. I also felt great by
the end of the ride, which by the way, I used the entire time allowed.
I drank 2 bottles during the ride.
One more question..... Got the blood test results back on my mare the
morning after her tie up. In addition to elevated SGOT/AST (5180), LDH
(5210) and CPK (32390), she has elevated BUN/Creatinine ratio (24) and
low Creatinine (0.8). Her lymphocytes were also low (1.9). Do these
unusual readings relate to the tie up? I also found out that she is
deficient in Se. Her results were 0.12 with normals in the 0.14-0.25
range. I was wondering How much selenium I could safely supplement her
with at this time. I am currently feeding the recommended dosage of
SE-E, but wonder if I should be giving more. Thanks in advance,
Lisa and Rococco Saffron (I'm feeling MUCH better now)
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