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RE: Breeds

<<Some horses seem to be able to "uncouple" themselves from the excitement
and DO check in at or near their actual resting rates, where others are not
capable of doing this>>

This can definitely be seen with 2 of my horses.  Both have a resting rate
of 36.  The mare has had a fair amount of conditioning (lots in her past,
not as much as I'd like this year).  She pulses down very quickly, but only
to 40-48 on a ride - there's just enough to keep her interested in her
surroundings and that's as good as it gets.

The gelding has had way too little conditioning and has only done one CTR
with a safety rider.  The safety riders don't get the 10 minutes to pulse
down as they're just getting a courtesy check.  But this horse pulses down
to a steady 36 within 3 minutes even though he's dancing around like an
idiot and frantically trying to rub his head all over his rider.  (Guess
what we're focusing on now!!!)

This is really fascinating to watch the differences between these 2 horses.


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