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Pull Info and categories...
I think I confused the issue a little in my mail by trying to cover
several topics at once.
On the pull info question - there were two issues.
1. Should we do it at all? Publish in EN and on-line?
Some people like this - others don't. I am neutral on this now.
2. Some of the objections to publishing came from errors in reporting - from items
like RO can cover too much - from rider sick/injured to wanting an option
that is not M or L - to the vet says OK but I know my horse...
the RO/M or RO/L was a suggestion by one person to publish the info
but put more accuracy into it by breaking down the RO into more categories.
the first question - should it be done at all? - led to the second suggestion.
We just report the office data - and make it more usable. If the BOD decides
to stop publishing in EN - then it would come out of the online version too
unless the BOD wanted it there.
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