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Re: RC: Some statistics from the Rider/Horse History on-line and Pull Data

The point of the pull codes is to find out whether the horses were having 
metabolic or lameness problems, not who pulled them.  If the riders want 
everyone to know it was their idea to pull so they don't "look bad", what 
about the vets??? Won't that make them look like they're letting compromised 
horses back on trail?
RO is a rider that doesn't want to go back out.
Lame is Lame & Metabolic is metabolic no matter who makes the decision.
Having to pull/being pulled is simply a circumstance, not a punishment.
Stop pointing fingers & keep the codes simple.
Nancy Mitts

>From: "Michael Maul" <>

>We added the pull info after the BOD allowed it in the EN.  I don't
>know how important this part of the summary is to members but would
>be interested in opinions.  Some like it - some don't.  Some think
>the info adds to the statistics we can use to find out more about
>how to improve our rides and our sport.  Others think it is an invasion
>of their privacy.
>Others would like pulls allowing RO=rider incapable on going on - RO/M =
>vet thinks the horse is OK but rider thinks a possible metabolic problem -
>RO/L - vet thinks horse OK but rider thinks slightly off and pulls.
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