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Re: RC: Breed of Horse
>><<I know Arabian is, but what about Qtr Horses or TN Walkers? I would
>like to>>get a TN Walking Horse and currently have a Qtr Horse. Which
is >better to>>have?>>
Seems sort of strange that you're choosing between those two...since
they're so different from *each other*.
Since plenty of other people have covered the difference in their
abilities, I'd warn you to look at if from some other angles. Riding a
gaited horse with trotting horses can be a real pain. Their walk is too
fast for the non-gaited horse, but doesn't really fit the trot very well
either. I think that's the main reason you almost see gaited people
riding with other gaited people. I felt sooo sorry for a girl on a
Quarter Horse that I saw with a bunch of TWH recently. She was getting
jigged to death when if she'd been with a bunch of Quarter Horses they
probably would have walked awhile and loped awhile.
Another problem I have with Walking Horses is that a running walk sounds
a lot like a gallop. I've had more than one trotting horse get
hysterical when it heard a TWH coming up at a running walk. Without fail
the person on its back had this big dumb grin like, "look at me I don't
ride a crazy Arab, my horse is calm" as their horse came puffing up like
a train and spooking everything. You try not to get prejudice in these
situations, but it's hard to be very friendly when they have no idea the
havok they are reeking. It's not just Arabs it affects. My daughter got
dumped from her pony at a horse show in the same manner. The people's
attitude seems to be "hey, he's just walking" but if he's walking at the
same speed a QH canters and you'd yell at some kid for running through a
crowd with his QH, you're guilty. My Appaloosa only kicked one horse in
11 years...a TWH, and he kicked him twice on the same trail ride. They
just sound scarey coming up on you.
Finally, this sport is a team sport...you and the horse. I'd just warn
you to make sure you choose a horse that's going to have fun too. I was
determined at first to compete on Appaloosas since that was what I'd
always ridden. My App loved trail riding, and had some speed, but he
finally found more than he wanted in endurance and would get all bummed.
He also took *much* more riding to get in shape. Even if you like to
ride 5 days a week, that doesn't mean their legs can handle it. I was
determined to be different, but once I accidentally got my first Arab in
a trade I never looked back.
I told my old basketball coach that the difference in endurance and
basketball is this: You get to start out with the body you've got, and
then learn some, then you can go out and shop for a body that can do
better, but you get to keep what you learn. If you were going to be a
basketball player and had that option, would you *choose* to be short, or
slow? I think that you'll find it's much more fun on a horse that's
highly suited to it. They have fun. Otherwise, you horse will be like
the poor kid whose dad is determined to make a basketball star out of him
even though he was born to sit at desk.
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