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Re: RC: Endurance breed
But they did include deep plowed fields - much deeper most beaches one
would find an endurance ride on. And point it fact the East Tennessee to
the middle Tennessee Valley is a very rugged part of the country. And
this is the very ground over which the walking horse was developed as a
light saddle horse.
And there are very few breeds enshrined in song. Jimmy Driftwood wrote
one such song - "The Tennessee Stud" Now just what do you thing that was
about :-)?
I don't have a walking horse on the farm with a resting pulse over 28 -
lower than any Arab I have. Can a walking horse beat all the Arabs in a
race - yep I've done it. Can a walking horse win BC and best vet score
after a sub 4 hour 50 - yep, I've done it. Can every walking horse beat
an Arab - nope. Can every walking horse do endurance - nope. Can every
Arab do endurance -nope. Are you more likely to find an Arab at random
that can do endurance than you are to find a walking horse that can do
endurance - yep you are. That pretty much what the "statistics" tell
But hopefully people don't select horses at random. Good conformation, a
good cardiovascular system, good legs and feet with the correct muscle
type and you got a good candidate for a usable endurance horse -
independent of breed, be it Arab, Paso, Fox Trotter, TWH, Saddlebred,
Morgan, AQH, TB, grade, etc.
> At 06:40 PM 6/12/00 -0400, John Proudman GGPL B-262 wrote:
> >Contrary to one comment,
> >they ARE bred for long distances...that was the purpose of a plantation
> >horse, to carry the owner around the plantation all day in comfort.
> Of course most plantations didn't include mountains, beaches, arroyos, and
> some of the other usual trail obstacles, nor did they include minimum times
> to complete. Not saying TWH can't do the job, just that they were bred for
> plantation riding, not endurance riding. Different thing. Close, but no
> banana. Lif
Truman Prevatt
Mystic “The Horse from Hell” Storm
Buck's Mystic Karma
Rocket a.k.a. Mr. Misty
Jordy a.k.a. Bridger (when he is good)
Danson Flame - hey dad I'm well now and ready to go!
Brooksville, FL
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