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Endurance breed
I also ride both an Arabian and a Tennessee Walking Horse, and I can
second Truman's comments: If you want to top-ten, get an Arabian; get
one with the smoothest gait and calmest temperment that you can find. If
you can be happy doing a lot of miles on a comfortable, relatively
bomb-proof horse that will end up in the middle of the pack most of the
time, you will enjoy a Tennessee Walking Horse. Contrary to one comment,
they ARE bred for long distances...that was the purpose of a plantation
horse, to carry the owner around the plantation all day in comfort. They
were just not bred for SPEED over long distances. They do not have the
cooling system of an Arab. My TWH can keep up with the front-running
Arabs for quite a ways, and he loves to race as much as they do. But if
I want him to finish 50 miles without winning the turtle award, I have to
hold him in a running walk and a rack (which he can do at the speed at
which many Arabs canter) most of the time. (Gaits vary on TWHs, not all
do a natural running walk and rack, so shop with someone who knows the
breed.) His P&Rs are not as good as a well-conditioned Arabian, so he
will lose some time in vet checks in hot, humid weather. He loses
condition more quickly than an Arabian, so I cannot let him lounge around
in the pasture for too long. Some vets have difficulty evaluating
his gait (...."I don't know what he's doing, but I guess he's alright").
He loves to lead the Arabs through all the scary places<g>!!! And the
TWH is a great conversation piece on the trail, especially if he is grey
(..."excuse me, but what is your horse's breeding...?").
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