Re: RC: Breed of Horse
In a message dated 6/12/00 10:50:09 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
guest@endurance.net writes:
<<I know Arabian is, but what about Qtr Horses or TN Walkers? I would like to
get a TN Walking Horse and currently have a Qtr Horse. Which is better to
Hi, not sure if I can help you, but, can I ask why you want to do
endurance on either a qtr. horse or a Ten. Walking horse. I been doing
endurance since 1976 and have seen some qtr. horses and some Ten. walkers do
endurance. What I haven't seen is the same horses in this sport for long in
general. I do know a few qtr. horses that have been good endurance horses
more than the TN walkers. There is a qtr. horse that has done the Tevis
about 13 times. The rider though, does not ride a fast ride (about middle of
the pack or better). It is a wonderful horse but...that is only one that I
know of out of many I've seen started.
One of the other things is, TN walker and 1/2 Arab, and qtr horse and 1/2
Arab, make wonderful horses and have done very well in endurance. If you are
new to this sport then tackling a non Arab breed is going to be a longer
learning experience. Not that having an Arab isn't, but the breed is meant
for longer distances and it sure makes it a little bit easier for a beginner.
One of the cautions of buying a horse other than an Arabian is the type
of mussel tissue they have. You will have different types, such as fast
twitch, slow twitch and some in-between these types. Some breeds are just
meant to not go long distances. It is no fault of the breed but the mussel
type for their breeding was meant for certain activities and sports.
The best way to find out which horse other than an Arabian will be good
for endurance is first check the mussel type of that horse. Then of course
feet, legs, etc... You can have a vet do this for you if you have found a
horse that your thinking about buying along with your pre purchase exam.
This should get you started in the right direction no matter what breed
of horse you choose.
Good Luck!
Tammy Robinson
Trail-Rite Ranch & Products
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