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Here's one I used just yesterday evening - LOL
My daughter and I were on our way home. At a golf course, started to
head down hill under some trees, not straight down hill, but somewhat across
the slope. Laredo's left rear stepped on a huge pinecone, squished it and he
wiped out! Leg shot forward and then he sat down and we slid. Downhill. As
he started to get up, I realized at the angle we were at, there was a good
chance my weight would unbalance him, I had one foot left in the stirrup and
knew I had to bailout. So, I kicked out of the stirrup - threw myself
backwards and continued into a backwards roll and then landed on my feet. My
daughter who was behind me started laughing at me so hard she fell off Casey
(she was riding without a saddle). Laredo's fine.
How about the rest of y'all? What's your funniest bailout story?
Memphis, TN
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