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Re: RC: Fw: Fwd: and LD BC
The problem is, unless you judge condition by something other than the AERC
sheet a big chunk of points comes for being the first to finish (200
points). And the other riders are penalized time points for how far behind
the first place they are, so the incentive is to finish as far in front as
possible. And, unless the horses aren't sound at the finish, they usually
get decent vet scores,too. After all, they're only going 25 miles, and
passed a vet check about half way through. If the vets did their job at the
check, they won't deteriorate much in that last 8-12 miles. Horses can be
conditioned to do those 25's pretty darn fast & still look good.
I agree LD should be considered for training. But is it fair to say LD'ers
shouldn't try for 2 hour 25's when everyone ooh's & aah's over 8 hour
100's?? (Which is 4 25 mile rides!)
True, that isn't how I would choose to train one, but as a group we send
pretty mixed signals for beginners.
OCER used to place LD horses by the BC sheet & time of finish usually
determined the winner. We now place the horses according to when they reach
criteria. I haven't seen any difference in the overall conditioning or care
the rider's take of their horses, or average ride times over the same
Nancy Mitts
>From: Lif Strand <fasterhorses@gilanet.com>
>To: Ridecamp <ridecamp@endurance.net>
>Subject: RC: Fw: Fwd: RC: Ride Meals, Entry Fees and LD BC
>Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 20:53:14 -0600
>At 10:26 AM 6/6/00 -0600, Sandy wrote:
>>-there should be as little glory as possible for racing through a
>>25....Just my very humble opinion....
>I think the ONLY award for LD should be condition awards. I can't begin to
>imagine how that would work, but just think - riders without properly
>conditioned horses would be penalized no matter what position they
>finished, and well conditioned horses would be rewarded.
>In fact, when I win the lottery I'll offer *big* money prizes for BC awards
>in all endurance distances to encourage condition as the focus, as opposed
>to order of finish. Oops - I guess I better go out & buy a ticket one of
>these days. Lif
>Lif & Paul Strand STRAND ENTERPRISES fasterhorses.com
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>Blue-Green Algae & other complementary health options
>Arabian Horses for Distance Riding
>fax: (561) 594-4609
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