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Re: RC: Re: ***Yosemite Input Alert

Connie Berto is the AERC Trail Advocate for the State of California.  Connie
has all of the dates and meeting places for input regarding Yosemite.  Connie
Berto's e-mail address is  I would encourage all and I mean
ALL of the endurance riders from California to become involved during this
process.  The Park Service is trying to figure out how to deal with the
equestrian crowd.  So, its up to you riders in California to become involved. 
We from the east of course can write letters, but a smiling face in a crowd
with intelligent input will be much more effective.  Jerry Fruth, Chair, AERC
Trails Committee.
>Heritage Trails <>- Nancy Dupont, who might know 
>what the schedule is of the superintendent's or staff's other 
>appearances throughout the country, IMO, she's your best bet for 
>finding more info or having a way for you to help.
>Dave's assistant is Laurel Boyers at� I used 
>to have his e-mail around here too, after responding to the request 
>for input to the plan earlier.
>I'd imagine that the AERC trails web page would have some info: 
erctrails.html, but they don't at the 
>moment.� I was in a big hurry and posting from a client's yesterday; 
>I should have posted to Jerry or Lif directly.� Oh, well.
>So you could also contact Jerry Fruth, head of the Trails Committee. 
>He might have some knowledge of this:� <>.
>>So what can we do and how can we do it????
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: <>
>>To: <>
>>Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 5:47 PM
>>Subject: RC: ***Yosemite Input Alert/SoCal tonight
>>>� Lynne Glazer
>>>� The superintendent of Yosemite National Park, Dave Milhalik, is appearing
>>tonight at a public meeting at the Autry Museum of Western Heritage,
>>Griffith Park.� He's there starting fromn 4 pm on, the meeting starts at 6
>>pm, and people who wish to speak get three minutes each, from 6:30pm on.
>>>� He is going around the country getting input on the revised Valley plan.
>>>� This morning he was a guest on the public radio station KPCC, on the
>>Airtalk show.� I called in and got a number of points across, which he
>>acknowledged; my substitute for not being able to be at the meeting. He said
>>that they've heard from a very small amount of horsemen.� Time to stand up
>>in person and be counted!� He seemed well-oriented to the importance of
>>horses in the Valley, but there aren't enough of us speaking up.
>>>� I have no idea how they publicized this meeting, so if you're interested
>>in preserving or establishing trail heads and horse camps within Yosemite,
>>please look out for them.
>>>� Perhaps Nancy DuPont/Heritage Trails knows of his scheduled appearances?
>>>� Lynne
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