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Movie Potential (was The Future of Our Sport)
Danielle McNeil danielle_mcneil@yahoo.com
heidi sowards <ribbitttreefrog@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hey, how about a movie like Man from Snowy River, only for
> endurance (maybe a rescue arab or bad horse gone good) we
> could all be extras and we could watch Mel walk around in
> Spandex. Angie could sponge off his horse for him (I said
> horse Angie!!!! :) Steven Speilberg could
> direct.....Probably not a huge box office draw though, huh?
Hey, it *could* be if we entice the plot a bit. Could have a little
"fall in love" type thing (think: While You Were Sleeping) --- I
don't *even* want to see the show of hands of those who would audition
for that part! Then, maybe add a bad guy or two, out to destroy either
the newly-kindled love or instead, realizing that the bad-horse-gone-good
was really worth a whole lot of cash and trying to steal it one way or
another. Or.... something we are all familar with ourselves... an
"Oh no! I'm lost! (and survival)" plot, with Mel and his faithful
steed battling Nature's curses together. I can see lots of ripped-shirts
scenes in *that* one!
A good plot, appealing actors, and excellent direction could certainly go
a long way, yes??? Any other plot ideas?
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