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mare won't take care of herself

I don't know what to do.  My 6 yr old (Fog) has a stifle injury (i've written 
about this) and never even got to her first ride.  I swore I would never 
again compete on my older mare (Misty Moon).  Our last ride she peed brown 
after coming in 9th.  She had high muscle enzymes the year before that, as I 
got her over conditioned.  I did LD for three seasons, and top10ed four 
times.  Sure wish I had Ridecamp from the start, I've learned so much.  The 
problem is I really want to do rides, even LD, even slow, even just to 
complete.  Every ride that goes by I think I should just take Misty Moon.  
She looks pretty good this year, I've been riding her 8-10 miles a couple 
times a week, plus a little arena work.  Lots of people have written about 
bringing horses back after tying up etc.  Big problem is that she thinks its 
a race.  If there is a horse ahead of her that she can see or even smell, she 
won't slow down.  She doesn't eat or drink much from the time she gets in the 
trailer.  She does eat and drink a little at vet checks, but wastes so much 
energy that she could easily do 50's if she would just focus.  Has anyone 
every turned a wannabe race horse into an endurance horse?  I'm thinking she 
just doesn't have the mind for it, but I can't sell her and buy another 
horse.  any suggestions?  

jeri (I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to go!)
misty moon (I just want to go REAL FAST)

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