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Re: RC: Fwd: RC: meals at rides
At 01:47 AM 6/6/00 GMT, Nancy Mitts wrote:
>I vote with you, & I'm not in a bad mood!
>The rides in our area are always small & no frills, usually a pot luck.
That's fine - all I want is someone to let me know what they're going to
do. I don't even care about some of my ride fee going to food I won't eat.
What with all the $$ it costs me to get there, etc, if I spend a couple
extra $$, it doesn't matter. I've got better things to do with my time
than be picky about something that comes down to less than $5.
For example, the ride flyers always say horse water provided, bring people
water, whatever they are going to do. If they don't want to feed anyone,
fine. If they want to only feed meat eaters, that's fine too. If they
want to have a pot luck, wonderful. Just whatever it is, say what you're
going to do. My preference is to either do pot luck (in which case, I'll
be sure to bring something I like) or have something I can eat. But I'll
deal with whatever comes along.
>When we travel, it's usually to do 100's & as conservative (okay,
>slow)riders we usually end up not getting the meal anyway.
>Even if I do the 50 & get the meal, (the food at Longleaf last year was
>GREAT) I'd really rather bring my own & have the money off the ride!
I like having a meal, as it gives a chance to meet other people - that is
assuming you're not doing a 100 and are out all night. At Prineville, they
provided breakfast, which was nice - no 100's on that ride, but we did a
tail-dragging 75, so we'd have missed dinner anyway.
There's lots of ways to do it, just please tell me what to expect...
David LeBlanc
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