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Re: RC: MEALS AT RIDES (RM point of Veiw)

RE:  Pot lucking

When Paul & I lived in CA we belonged to Monterey Bay Equestrians - a riding club dedicated to trail preservation, riding and eating.  Not necessarily in that order.  (Unofficial nickname foir MBE:  More Better Eating)

The potlucks at their overnighters are first class!  The way they do it is that everyone brings their own meat to BBQ (they share grills) and a dish to share.  This way if you are into tofu burgers you can have that and if you like bloody beef or chicken or fish or anything your heart desires, you bring it & you cook it.  Over the years the MBE potlucks have become awesome feasts - no reason this couldn't happen at rides. 

Our former neighbors used to have an annual party which always had at least 100 people and sometimes as many as 400.  They provided meat & beans & beer (and paper plates + plastic utensils) and everyone else brought the rest.  It also was a fantastic eating experience. 

My point is that RMs can satisfy the eating/social issue by doing less if they like, and everyone can still have a great time.  Lif

Lif & Paul Strand
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