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Odd Swellings
Hi Everyone
I wonder if anyone has seen this. I have a fairly thin-skinned quarter
horse who broke out in hives over his entire body last year. A month ago
he had what seemed like a boil on his chest. I could press on it and
fluid came out and then it healed within a week with a small scar and
left a small bump. Two weeks ago we did a 15 mile training ride and
after the ride he had a large 4 by 8 inch swelling on one side of his
barrel and numerous small swellings (with hardish centers) on the
opposite side. He also had a large swelling near his loin and a small
one by his withers.. These were gone by the next day. They were hot to
the touch but no blood, etc. They seemed like hives. There were a lot of
black flies around that were bothering him but nothing else that seemed
out of the ordinary.
Last weekend he got what looked like 2 severe bug (maybe hornet) stings.
One on the inside of his right rear leg and the other near his sheath on
the opposite side. These were very swollen with both hard swellings and
soft edema-like swellings. They oozed blood and pinkish liquid from a
central spot and were hot to the touch. The swellings went down with
hosing and bute after two days. He ate, drank, peed, and seemed fine
Any thoughts on this? Do you think they are related? Is he developing a
sensitivity to stings? That's what the vet thought. He went so far as to
give me steroids, saying that it may cause severe swelling next time.
This is a distance horse who is never sick and never has any other
I guess the real question is should I be concerned about this? Is there
any way to counteract the sensitivity if that's what's happening?
Thanks for the input.
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