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RE: If you had an alternative would you join?
It would be an idea to contemplate and to ruminate upon. Some of the factors
to consider;
1. It has taken the AERC, low these many years, to attain the position where
it now stands.
2. It has evolved over the years through the auspices of many volunteers and
their unrewarded efforts.
3. To duplicate just the data base, the proprietary information owned by the
AERC, would be very time consuming and expensive.
4. To duplicate the programming for record keeping, or likewise to developed
a new system, would be time consuming and expensive.
5. The cost of start-up, recruitment, endowment, and recognition as a viable
organization would take several years.
6. Why do you feel the AERC is not responsive to its customers?
7. Have you voiced your concerns about the lack of responsiveness to your
Regional and to all the At-large Directors?
8. Are you holding out a carrot with out describing whether the carrot is
real or a figment of the imagination?
Bob Morris
Morris Endurance Enterprises
Boise, ID
-----Original Message-----
From: SUE GRAHL [mailto:sgrahl@flash.net]
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2000 8:38 AM
Subject: RC: If you had an alternative would you join?
If there was another organization like AERC would you join ? What if
this organization
gave you credit for all your existing AERC miles? In what ways should
this organization
differ from AERC ? I often wonder if AERC had a competitor would it be
more responsive to it's customers ( the members .) What do you think ?
Sue Grahl
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