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Re: Bad Backs/Chronic Pain (Riders with...)
> On Thu, 01 June 2000, "Maggie Mieske" wrote:
> >
> > I know many people who use magnetic back braces, ankle braces, knee
> > you name it. I use magnetic insoles and they DO help! I discovered
> > when I washed my shoes and forgot to put the insoles back in! :)
> >
> >
> > Maggie Mieske
Okay...so exactly what DO the magnets do??? They must rearrange your ions
or something like that, but WHY do they make stuff feel better? What
exactly does it do to your pain receptors and/or tissue?
Do the ones for your shoes help plantar fasciitis? That's my latest
chronic pain...a by-product of the injury to my left leg last year. The
more I exercised the left leg (after several months of not being able to
stretch at all), the worse the plantar fasciitis got. I think it has
tapered off a little bit now and is at it's best right after I've been out
riding...stretching that fascia trying to keep my heels down (for Toad
Moments. ;-)) I told the head nurse in the OR where I work that I was
going to have to go on disability and that I was going to have to stay home
and ride for several hours a day since it was the only thing that made my
foot better!! She didn't buy it...too bad. ;-)
Tyee Farm
Marysville, Wa.
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