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Re: bad backs
Hi, Louise. With these supplements, a lot depends on what is wrong.
Condroitan sulfates and glycasamine help with lubricating the joints
(therefore good for DJD or HD) and MSM assists with osteoarthritis.
I have a prolapsed disc in my lower back and suffer bad pain there. Weight
training has always been a no-no for me, but I have found that swimming is
tremendous because it builds the muscles which run alongside the spine, and
these support the spine, alleviating the pain. The problem with weight
training is that it places strain on the spine while you build the muscle,
swimming does not.
Hope this helps. Good luck
-----Original Message-----
From: Louise bower <horsecrazy@access.mountain.net>
To: ridecamp@endurance.net <ridecamp@endurance.net>
Cc: bolinger@bigshy.net <bolinger@bigshy.net>
Date: Friday, June 02, 2000 12:47 AM
Subject: RC: bad backs
>I have degenerative disc disease and the orthopedic surgeon recommended
>weight training, wrote diagnosis on a prescription pad and sent me to
>the gym. The trainer there gave me excerises and weight instruction and
>back pain went away mostly. I now get stiff not from riding but when I
>sit down afterwards. Stretching excerises help a bunch. Strengthening
>the back and abdominal muscles help support the vertebrel column. But
>Sandy what is the powerful nutritional supplement? I am taking
>condroitin, glucosomine and MSM. Louise
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