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Morgan Springs 50/100 info.
Sarah Seward drive@nccn.net
Thank you all who have responded with interest in the
Morgan Springs 50/100 mile ride, on July 29th, 2000.
The ride is located about 8 miles West of Chester CA, and
3 miles North of HWY 36 E on the dirt. Ride camp is at a
spot called Stover Camp, a lovely unimproved USFS
campground. We sometimes get crowded, but have never had to
limit entries, as the ride is somewhat off the beaten path.
This is a very pretty ride, with about 50% logging roads
and about50% trails. There is a lot of good footing, but
also our fair share of rocks.
I'll have the flyers ready soon, and will of course send
one to any interested parties.
One more thing, it was brought to my attention that the
ride is in EN this month (June) it is listed with no date
after the March 2001 rides.
As well as the address listed in EN, after June 15 please
use the following:
40650 Highway 36 E.
Mill Creek, CA. 96061
Happy Trails,
Sarah Seward
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