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Julie Suhr +Others
Julie also owns(ed) the mare Lawlifa who Bugs (aka Rustzlaw) was out
of.. Her great Tevis Hagan Cub winner was out of the same mare. I still
have Bugs, he is living on 300 acres of nice hillside outside of Arroyo
Grande very near the Cuesta/Sespe Trail. It is on property that Byron
Grant has and Bugs is keeping 3 of Lon Clearwaters' horses company. One
of these is Jazeel that Lon bought from Virl Norton MANY miles ago...
Jazeel is a Ride & Tie Hall of Fame horse. Not to mention his two top
tens at Tevis.
Anyone who wants to know some interesting anecdotes about Virl or Jazeel
could ask Lon at beachmaeven@hotmail.com
Anyone that wants to hear an anecdote about Julie can write me! It is
about a race that she rode Bugs in. Taught me something.
Oh, and my apologies to the Ribley's about their pughead, his name is
Steve Shaw
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