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Re: RC: Re: Horses Living Outside
Hi, Heidi. I'm thin-blooded - when you go from soaring thirties in summer,
you just ain't interested in sub-zero in Winter! Also, bear in mind both my
boys are pampered TBs, although, as I said in another post, Toc seems to
have different ideas about this stabling story...
You're really lucky with your grazing. Ours is worth jack in winter - it's
worse than straw. In fact, it's thatching grass, to give you an idea of its
nutritional value, so I prefer them to be in, munching teff at a rate fast
enough to eat into my overdraft at a rapid rate.
You wrote:
>Heck, that ain't cold! That's only about 25 F, which we get on spring (and
>sometimes even summer!) nights here routinely. Ours are out full-time even
>in sub-zero Fahrenheit, but with free feed hay and juniper wind breaks, and
>they thrive on it. I'd be far more inclined to suggest being in for the
>reasons you named in the summer...
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