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Re: Dog gone...

In a message dated 5/30/00 11:22:41 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< By now you all know that I adore my dogs, but I agree that the showground 
 no place for them.  I have no problem with spectators bringing dogs on
 leads, but so often the competitors rock up with their dogs, which run loose
 while they're in the ring.  I once saw a Boerbul break loose and chase a
 horse around a SJ course until it could be caught.  NOT FUNNY!
Many of these people will try to excuse themselves by mumbling that 'things 
like that happen sometimes". Well, not to US they don't because we don't 
bring our dogs in the first place. It should - but doesn't - go without 
saying that if people would leave the dogs at home, things like that wouldn't 
just "happen somtimes". While we have no porblem with dogs so well behaved 
and supervised that we don't notice them, I resent others imposing their dogs 
on us. I don't want to deal with our OWN dogs at a ride or show - why should 
I deal with someone else's?

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