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Mc Clellan saddles
You Wrote:
>I have seen several old Macs out on the trail, including my first
>As his young horse filled out, however, the saddle was a bit too narrow for
>Jonesie, so he went to a Wintec. McClellens seem to work just fine as long
>as they fit. That can be a problem, though, since this is a saddle designed
>for half-starved war horses of another era. Horses of a century ago were
>naturally narrower and so were the saddles. I used to ride sidesaddle. The
>same problem. Old narrow saddles, young wide horse.
>As long as it fits, more power to you! Good luck!
>Maggie Fleming
>Under a Shooting Star Farm
>Bubba--I have a scar from my sidesaddle
>Secret--Not me!
We are realy lucky here in South Africa as during our Anglo Boer War
(1800's) the american cavalry type mcclellan was modified to suite our local
"boerperd" horse, which even when thin are very broad backed. Our local
mcclellan is a nice broad saddle that fits just about any horse it is put on
around 60% of endurance riders here us a mcclellan saddle (the local
version) it has all the attributes of the mcclellan that mclellan fans love
but is just more suitable to most horses, I have used my saddle on 6 VERY
different horses from a 14hh barrel to a 16 greyhound and it has fir
perfectly with no sign of a sore back. They run from about $200 for the
basic saddle as we know it to around $400 for a luxary version.
Celeste (South Africa)
Snowy + Mawlud + Shadixx (the mclellan team)
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