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foal announcement and ouchies
Hello RC ers!! Finally after two weeks of being
over due our mare had her foal tonight at 9:45pm.
Hour glass blaze, tiny tiny ears, four white
socks and too early for me to tell but my vote is chestnut or very light bay...
Sleep I can sleep!!!!
as for the ouchies if you have a wide gash that should have
been stitched and was too late.. alum {sp?} mixed with a little water {
could also mix it with antibiotic too} to make a paste, coating the wound.. will
draw it closer and sometimes will even close it except for a slight crack. One
of our mares cracked her knee against an old bathtub that was used for water
opening a 3 1/2 inch circle wound on her knee.. alum, antibiotic mixed spread
over the cut that evening.. and the next morning it was closed to a 1/2 inch..
Wow I thought, and have used it ever since. Alum is normally used for pickling I
think, but can be found at the local drug store in several different size
containers. We use it on the dogs and other animals around here too. It works...
Well I'm going back out to peek at our second and last baby of the
Debi {where did I set the iodine?}
Knevermore { I wanna see my son!! }
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