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Re: RC: ouchies and electrolytes

In a message dated 5/30/00 4:44:29 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< In the meantime, I cleaned it out with water and betadine, smeared 
 fly ointment around it, sprayed with enough fly spray to drown in, and put 
 some antibiotic ointment on it.  Let me know what you all think.... >>

If you've done all that, it is now too late to stitch.  You've already caused 
a tissue reaction with the betadine and antibiotic ointment which will 
preclude what is called "first intention healing"--which is the whole point 
of stitching in the first place.  So you're now pretty much committed to 
allowing the wound to granulate in, unless you want to have the vet out to 
trim the wound back to fresh tissue.  For future reference, if you feel the 
wound should be stitched, DON'T use anything in it except something like 
saline to clean it out--then you don't cause tissue changes and the suturing 
has a reasonable chance of first-intention closure.  Also, suturing is best 
accomplished within the first 6 hours, and best not done at all after 24 
hours, unless the wound is trimmed.


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