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Re: RC: Re: Trail Courtesy
DAldr94141@aol.com wrote:
> Hi. I have one for you. In the Brecksville Reservation in Ohio where we ride,
> part of the trail goes across a road bridge. There is about 8 feet of grass
> on both sides of the bridge you are on to walk or ride on. Well, down below
> is a 4 lane highway. My friend was on her horse, walking across the bridge
> when a tractor trailer blared his horn. The horses are scared enough
> wondering why the cars "come at them" then just disappear below. It scared
> the bejesus out of my friends mare but she kept her head and they were ok.
> What's wrong with people? This guy wanted to see some action I guess. They
> don't have a clue as to what could happen to people when they pull crap like
> that!!!! Deb
You know, I wonder if they actually did cause someone a serious problem, would
they learn their lesson and NEVER do anything like that again? How are some
people raised (reared) that they could even consider deliberately trying to cause
such a problem for someone else?
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