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Re: RC: Re: Trail Courtesy
In a message dated 5/30/00 7:39:27 AM Pacific Daylight Time, greymare@jps.net
<< Another group arrived, crossed the bridge, and entered
the creek from the OTHER side, even though horses were obviously waiting
that had been there first. the creek was only big enough for 3 or 4
well-behaved horses. Is this rude? >>
Yes it is - very. An experience last year at a ride where 3 snooty ladies
with quite an accent barged in front of my daughter got a bit of a talking
to from me, but of course, people like that could care less. Here I was with
an 11 year old girl, waiting oru turn, teaching HER good manners, and tehse
creatures barged right in front of us, and finally we had to leave without
our hroses getting a drink because these people were bumping into my
daughter's horse and left her horse too disconcerted to drink. Rude? In the
extreme. Dangerous? At times. A good example? PErish the thought!
If you SEE yourself in this kind of missive, perhaps you should either
consider involving yourself in a sport that does not require courtesy (or
common sense either) like tennis or something and stay off the trails. sigh!
I get so tired of rude people on heh road and now even on the trail.
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