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Camp Far West
I am posting here asking for advice becuase I am
puzzled and have mixed feelings about finishing Camp Far West this
My big mare, Chancy, is extremely fit and has been
doing major climbing and long rides over the winter and spring. I had
blood drawn and checked a month ago and everything was great. So, I headed
over there confident we would have no problems because a: we have done that 50
before b:I knew the trail and would start slow and easy and take our time and c;
I felt she was more fit and experienced than before. What I didn't count
on was the heat-but we had ridden in the heat last weekend at Pt. Reyes with no
problems, even though we had not trained much in the heat THIS year, it is a
very easy 50.
She vetted in with all A's except a B in mucous
menbranes. This was the first time camping without a buddy horse, but she
seemed to be accepting it. She wasn't drinking as much as I would have liked,
but after an easy walking ride of an hour Saturday, she drank quite a
I took 3 and a half hours on the first loop of 22
miles. I stopped at every water hole and sluiced the
horse and myself.
At lunch, we vetted in with mostly A's, some B's
and had a nice long hold of an hour and 15min. It stilll did not seem that
hot yet. She ate some, drank and rested.
Next long loop of about 22 miles, mostly fast
walking, some trotting, and a nice, relaxed canter several places. Came
into the 3rd vet check at 4. It took about 20 minutes for her heart to
reach criteria of below 60-but all other criteria was great! I ended up
with her standing in the creek, knee high, munching green grass,
and pouring water over and over her. Her neck DID feel hot to
the touch. So she passed, and we headed out at a fast walk for the last 6
miles. Walked the whole way (some climbing), and came into the finish at
6:00. there was a nice breeze the afternoon;it didn't seem that hot, but I
still cooled her off every water hole
Again, she took about 15 to 20 minutes to come down
on heartrate, but gut sounds A; gait A,and everything else B. My OPINION
of her condition was that I was fighting her to go slow on the first loop, and
holding her back on the second loop. She never DID seem tired or
What is bugging me is that if I had gone any
faster; we probably would have been pulled.
I had electrolyted her several times the day
before, and at home; more so than usual One of the
vets argued AGAINST electrolyting, if the horse
wasn't used to it, but I felt, in that heat, I should.
I gave her some that morning, and at lunch.
She drank at every water hole and creek.
This horse also had a heart rate at Lake Sonoma
ride llast October that was high and refused to come down; that was hot ride,
horses had winter coat. I just pulled at first vet check and had her tubed
(since vet felt she was dehydrated ) EVEN though she didn't seem dehydrated to
ME, and had been drinking quite a bit!
This is a big mare (15.2); big boned and very
muscled (arab/walker) Any comments appreciated!!
My feeling is that this is a very energetic,
strong, fit mare, what should be great for endurance. I keep thinking it
must be a managment problem I am causing, and not the horse.
One more confusing bit of info-at pre-vet check,
vet thought there was a third heart beat. It was gone at lunch (same vet),
but possible back at last check. I have never heard any other vet say that
about this horse.
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