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Re: Trilby's miles
----- Original Message -----
From: <Merryben@aol.com>
> Okay, here it is as promised. Just talked to Trilby who is back from CFW
> her mileage now is 49,965. Sometime between the vet check and the finish
> line of the first day of the XP, she will cross the 50,000 mile point. I
> have cars that didn't make that many miles......maryben
Yep-and from what I hear, I was BEHIND Trilby! I had really wanted to take
it slow and easy, and had been really scared of the heat-hadn't had ANY heat
to train in this year. The day before the ride was nasty hot; and I
wouldn't have minded getting pulled at the pre-vet. But it sure didn't seem
that hot-maybe that was becuase I jumped into every waterhole and creek, and
dunked myself while I dunked the horse. At the end of the ride, one lady
said that every time she saw me I was sopping wet. In the afternoon a nice
breeze came up and some light clouds. Had a fun ride, met Kathy Mayeda sp?,
and came in probably 6th from last.
Karen and Nasty Chancy
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