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Re: RC: bitless headgear
In a message dated 05/28/2000 8:45:07 AM Central Daylight Time,
mmieske@netonecom.net writes:
<< We got 2 miles down the road and the fuel pump blew
on the truck!!! I guess it could have been much worse! But we couldn't get
another one in time to go so....) >>
Be Thankful you were only two miles from home... :0)
When we pulled into camp at the "White River Spring Ride"..... I looked down
at the ground after we have decided on where to make camp..... low and
behold, the front seal on the transmission is BIG TIME BROKE.... OK, calm
down (as I am trien' to calm both my mother and myself).... I spent almost an
hour on Jeanie Millers cell phone (cuz mine was pretty well worthless...) to
make a LONG story short.... Mom ended up staying w/ Jeanie and Larry Miller
for a week... $400 and some odd dollars and she manages to get home ... Thank
But I must Thank my Guardian Angels for not letting this happen to us on the
Turnpike, or other freeway.... :0)
And a HUGE Thank You to Jeanie & Larry Miller and Tom & Tina Henderhan for
letting me bum a ride back home w/ my two horses and my son. We owe you all
a big one.
Happy Trails.
Jinnifer & Savage.
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